Friday, March 09, 2012

Attending Yokosuka Service

The Yokosuka Seventh Day Adventist meet at the chapel inside the military installation. Our chaplain is giving a children story to the kids about Harley an that he could not walk and he attended the

The Yokosuka SDA group meet up here at 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sabbath of the month. But some of members goes to YEC Yokohama English Church every 3rd Sabbath and attended children service. They have special service for kids and kids joined the adult during meal time/potluck.If the month has 5 Sabbaths, we are attendm
Genesis 39:1-6
He is talking about how we deal if troubles coming in in our lives. Remembering the March 11 disaster in Japan.

Man-made disaster when Joseph was being sold by his own family to Ismaelites and then Potiphar bought him and made him as
- falsely accused of mistreating master's wife.

1. Maintaining his faith
2. He work hard

Famine in Egypt - is a natural disaster.

But today famine is so impossible to be happened because we can preserve food by refrigeration.

Joseph he prepared 20% , 1. he build grain cities in preparation

2. Act in a calm manner. 1/5 of the crops they put it away. He was not panicking

3. Trusting the divine providence

Sometimes God allow Christians to die in natural disaster because allow it and he is only in control. We don't know! We does not have a guarantee for tomorroe.

Joshua 1:9
Ephesians 6:1
Psalms 46

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