Friday, April 25, 2008

SRF Spouse Club Bake Sale and Cake Auction

This a pretty cool club for spouses and I am so glad that I was attending. They planned to have a bake sale and cake auction at the Main building at SRF. So, it is up to us, members if we wanted to donate for the auction.

Christy Murphy, Rene' Aldridge, Caroline Petunzo(correct me the spelling) and I went to Christy's house. We bake our cookies and Rene was decorating her cake. I was baking the cookies and with the help of the ladies. We had a yummy and delicious cookies. I made mexican wedding cookies.

We were all had fun doing it. Rene was suggested to load our bake stuff to her car and she will bring it to the base in the morning. I agreed with it because I am not sure if I can come to the base in the next morning.

We had a pretty good sale and I received an email from our president that we earned 800$ one

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