Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mikan/Orange Picking here at Miura Japan

Miura is one of the place where they planted their produce here in Japan. They are serving here in Yokosuka area. There are also other farms from other community but we choose to come here because it is near where we live. I was really impressed how the farmers tilled their land. Even it is on the hillside, you can see green. It is really amazing that the place which is so small. But there is production of food. 

Mikan picking is a famous to dos here in Japan. Families love to visit orange orchard and pick oranges. Of course there is a fee in getting on to the field. 

My Japanese friends visited here at home last month. We were enjoying talking and wanted to do some stuff together with our kids. They only speak little english but we were trying to understand each other by looking up dictionary. It is kinda hard for us but our friendship kept us going together because they wanted to learn english. 

Today, we met up here at home around 10AM. All kids were riding with us and almost all of the adults ride the second car.  When we got to Ayaki Mama's mother-in-law apartment, they let us park in their own lot. Then, we walk for about 15 minutes to get to the orange orchard. On our way there,  we were enjoying watching the green fields around the mountain. It is really good for the eyes.

When we got there, the lady entertained us and we pay 800 yen each and the kids were free. We headed down to the orchard after we paid. We brought our lunch bag. The kids were running and asked their scissor so they can pick mikan. They were so excited and it is really a joy to hear them giggling and calling their names where they at. 

I have few photos of us and I am so excited to upload to my computer.... I hope you enjoyed it.

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