Friday, March 02, 2012

Atsugi base worship this Sabbath

Matthew 24 :8

We re talking about calamities in Haiti and Chile 2010 earthquake and japan march 2011

Prophecy what will happen to the end during King Nabuchadnezzar times
Focus: second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts 1:9-11

Jesus will come and every eyes shall see him

Our hope and desire to see the cloud wil be opened and Jesus will come. Jesus foot won't come down to earth and we will meet him in the clouds

What will we do in order to meet him?
-a true prophet accept the commandments of God

Accept the death of Christ: if you love me keep my commandments. Jesus is the key to heaven by obeying Him and the comandment He gave to us. He made it for us

keeping the law of God is not a checklist but be obedient to the law of God.

John 3:16

Psalm 85:10

Heaven to those who obey God
Hell to those who are disobedient

Christ is in me I can do anything.

Jesus does not care if you are slaves or free... All He wants is to make it to the kingdom of God.

Our forefathers telling us, the discples that Jesus is coming soon.

We only choose the heaven and or hell. Others may say that let us meet at the middle. But it says we can't serve two masters at one time.

The only Jesus care is for you to accept the salvation he offered to us, as our personal Lord and Saviour. And that we are ready to meet Him in the clouds during His second coming! What a glory that will be and it is our victory for us a Jesus Christ believer.

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