Tuesday, February 05, 2008

First Day at AOB class


Today is Tuesday and we will be having an AOB class for newcomers here in Japan.

Brian woke up early this morning at 4:30AM but then because Benjamin told him that he did not have pants. Benjamin went to the bathroom and he got wet from his peed so he took it off and put it on the laundry basket. What a very good boy! He is learning then. I was awoke early too because Mary wanted me to nurse her. I did not bother to go back to sleep because I wanna finish writing my journal. The kids went back to sleep. We prepared ourselves and woke up Mary and Ben at about 6:45AM by changing their clothes. Bundle up again, it is chilly in the outside. Brian decided that we are going to take a cab this morning because both buses are not here yet. We were at cab no. 5 and the driver took us to Ayame Heights.

We drop Benjamin and Mary at a homeday care provider at Ayame Heights around 7:20AM. We were hoping for a daycare center where there are lots of kids that Benjamin can play with but they are full and we referred it here at a home care. The lady name Nikki, that is her nickname- She is a very a nice lady and I think we found a great sitter for our kids if I wanted to to have something to do during the day here at the base.

After we drop them off, we head to Benny Deck Theater right away. It is just a walking distance so we walk to get there. I feel different that the kids are not with us. We planned to call Nikki every break we have just to get an update how the kids doing. I am very much concerned to Mary because she was not used to of going to the others house without me. We were relieved that Mary was doing fine. She said that she was upset for an hour on and off but then when she saw that the baby woke up. She was so happy to see the baby. I was so glad that she is doing fine. Eventhough she screams for crying, it does not bother to Nikki because she got used to it. She knew that she will be settled down after an hour or two. It is really amazing how she did the baby sitting. She has two girls of her own and then another two kids which is mine. She is really amazing. I don't know how she did it. We kept calling her in every of our break. I just don't feel like that the kids are away from me. I always concerned to my little one.

Brian and Phil, his boss sneaked out and went to HRO office. They want to take care of the stuff that they needed to do. I was hoping to get an ID today but I could not it yet. They sent to another office again in PSD and I am hoping that tomorrow I can get an ID. I felt intimadated of having no ID. I just found out that I am supposedly cannot come go inside the Commissary and NEX. Oh boy!

The class was kinda boring but then we never have any choice at all. Well for me, information was fine and there are some new rules that we did not knew. Japan is really different. When the class was ended, Brian and I headed right away to her home and picked up the kids. I just could not believe it, the two looks so happy. Nikki was pleased that Mary was smiling until we picked her up. She kept saying Mama... dede LOL.. She is really cute when she say it. Benjamin won't listen to her and I think this little kid needs to shape up his behavior. It is really my fault if his attitude is like that. Because I am not serious enough to do the timeout. It is both of Brian and I, Ben was a bit spoiled brat.

We head back to the hotel and tried to figure out what we gonna have for dinner. We were talking of having dinner at Officers Club Restaurant but it seemed a big pain in the neck to bring out the kids so I cook some chicken and we had wondeful dinner. It is simple but yummy!

I will get going now, need to get some sleep. ciao!

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